At GAIALUX, we specialize in sourcing rare and limited Hermès quota bags, offering a meticulously curated selection that is often hard to find elsewhere. Our deep understanding of Hermès craftsmanship and global connections ensure that we provide only the most exclusive bags to our customers.
We take authenticity very seriously. Every Hermès bag at GAIALUX undergoes a thorough authentication process, conducted by our expert team. We guarantee that each bag is 100% authentic and meets the highest standards of quality.
Our collection includes a variety of Hermès quota bags, with a focus on the highly sought-after Birkin, Kelly, and Constance models. We continuously update our inventory to include the most exclusive and hard-to-find pieces.
Yes, our team at GAIALUX is committed to sourcing even the rarest Hermès bags. If there is a specific bag you’re looking for, please contact us, and we will leverage our global network to try and locate it for you.
GAIALUX offers worldwide shipping for all our Hermès bags. Shipping costs vary depending on your location and the specific bag you purchase. Detailed information will be provided at checkout or by contacting our customer service team.